Friday, September 20, 2013

Today is an important day...

Today is the day, I am here at the 3rd Annual Living with Wildlife Conference. Really looking forward to a lot of information shared today, mainly alternatives to culling wildlife.  Also, I am on twitter!  Follow me at TheRimbyst,and follow the conference goings on, #LWW13.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Photo-Op! Meet the Wildlife in Person!


Okay, so that is not exactly what happens at the Furbearer Defenders Annual Living with Wildlife Conference, but it is still pretty great.  Last year, I got to chat with Brad Gates of Gates Wildlife Control.  He has a lot of experience dealing with raccoons in Toronto, and his stories have happy endings for the raccoons, which is what we are going for here at Raccoons in My Backyard. (Also, check out his twitter feed for some great photos!)
This year, I am headed to Vancouver for the third Living With Wildlife Conference, and I can't wait.  Though I am a bit disappointed there isn't a clear "Raccoon" theme to the sessions, I am looking forward to another great event, and also the opportunity to chat with some West Coast Raccoons!   

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Disaster Management: For Rabbits?!

I came across this news article yesterday, and though it doesn't mention raccoons specifically, it does reference other animals employed in the entertainment industry; bunny rabbits.  If non human animal assistants are afforded pre-planning disaster management, surely raccoons living within city limits should be included in such plans in case of flood, fire, earthquake or hurricanes.  One doesn't usually think of the U.S. as being ahead of the game in the area of raccoon advocacy and changing the work place culture for bunnies, but that definitely seems to be the case here.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

New Employment Opportunities for Raccoons?

From this recent article, "Circus animal ban should be watered down to exclude raccoons," officials seek to allow raccoon performers to continue to work in the UK.  This is indeed a deeply complex issue, with important arguments on either side.  While, of course, I am not suggesting that raccoons be forced to perform for entertainment purposes, I am saying that raccoons should be able to support themselves and their families in a variety of employment sectors.  Taking away viable employment opportunities for raccoons would not contribute to growth in raccoon employment that is desperately needed.  I have been asked recently to speculate on the employment sectors that should be opened to raccoons, but I think raccoons themselves should be identifying the opportunities they are looking for, for instance, in banking, or sports medical therapy.  

Should raccoons be performing in the circus?  Should they be performing on television?  These are really good questions, and I will be monitoring this issue as we countdown to the 2015 decision.  Either way, we’re going to see some dramatic changes to raccoon culture in the workplace.

Images used under Creative Commons License ~ Sources ~ Doctor, Raccoon portrait, Business men, Business Raccoons

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

the Obesity Epidemic equals Fat Raccoons

If you didn't know there was competition to be the world's fattest country, you might want to check out today's article in the New York Daily News. (Mexico has won the title most recently) But people aren't the only people to suffer, raccoons are also getter fatter.  
Urban raccoon populations are far more likely than their rural counterparts to suffer from high blood pressure("Raccoon Nation", The Nature of Things, 2011).

You've seen them, sunning themselves on garage roofs and backyard fences in the middle of the day. They're fat, and they're lazy. Are raccoons playing too many video games? Are they spending time inside reading books? (heaven forbid)

No, as we all know, the obesity crisis is a failure of adequate nutritional information. Are raccoons provided with easy to read calorie and sodium counts on food they nibble on from compost bins? No, no they are not. If they were, we would see fewer fat raccoons lumbering through town on garbage night.

photo by afternoon_sunlight, some rights reserved.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Finally! Raccoons made good in news story

I can tell you, it is disheartening to hear how raccoons are portrayed by the media. I don't need to add to myth and slander of how raccoons are "good-for-nothing leeches" extorting the more hard working species, such as squirrels, or beluga whales. I came across a great feel good news story about a raccoon that can sleep a little easier tonight, it isn't often that you hear about raccoons surviving an encounter with society!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

the Wildlife is getting closer....

So excited about the Living With Wildlife Conference next week, though I am a little disappointed that this event is being held in Toronto and there is no mention of raccoons. If there was ever a need for human/wildlife conflict resolution counselling, it would be right here in the city with the densest raccoon population in the world. (though I think that is a self identified proclamation, but by David Suzuki, so I'm not concerned) I am looking forward to hearing from Nathalie Karvonen about the Toronto Wildlfe Centre, and is it wrong of me to be excited about the three local vegan(!) bakeries providing snacks and goodies? I didn't think so.